You will never have great health until you release toxicity.

05/12/2016 19:45

RELEASE TOXICITY - "maintaining one's health in today's toxic rich environment requires proper rest, hydration, and abundant intake of nutrients, and regular internal cleansing practices" Gary Hopkins.

You will never have great health until you release the toxicity from your body! Everyone is currently toxic because of the air, water and food contamination that is occuring in our world. Our food is now nutrient deficient which makes us absorb more and more of this toxicity. Heavy metals are part of the toxins that enter our body and we cannot metabolize them, so they need to be purged out of us on a regular basis, before they cause disease within us.


Conventional medicine does not address this epidemic of toxicity and most people are unaware of the direct connection between disease as the direct result of environmental toxins in the body along with the lack of nutrients in the form of minerals and vitamins.


Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis is a program to get your body back on track. It will get the minerals and vitamins back into your body and remove the toxins. When one address the body chemistry as a whole with the correct combination of nutrients the body can then begin to heal and unwanted health issues fall by the wayside.


What is involved:

Nutritional assessment through hair mineral analysis

Recommendations for a personalized diet

Lifestyle modification

