A Family Affair - from "The Dream Diary"

12/10/2015 20:31

The Dream Diary blog relating to the fascinating dreams that can arise in the Hair Analysis and Nutritional Balancing program originally developed by Dr Paul Eck and further developed by Dr L Wilson. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed. If you would like your own dreams interpreted please contact The Hair Analyst.

PSYCHOLOGY - Increase and expand your understanding of psychology. The Nutritional Balancing program produces many psychological benefits as an integration occurs with the personality (mentally and emotionally) as you clean out and rebuild your body. Since the body and the brain are part of the same system and are intertwined there is a healing that occurs simultaneously. Nutritional Balancing acts as your bridge to integrate, improve and boost the potential of your body, mind, emotions and spiritual self. Don't miss out on this opportunity and gift!



Quotes: "Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us." David Richo


A Family Affair

Time ticks tocks inside my head

And as the tick moves to tock

The dial goes back to visit

Family and relatives piled high in a house

It is so busy with people's reactions

I will have to organize all the interactions


When my mother passes before me

I can see she feels like a failure and says,

"I don't know what you are doing with work"

Her shoulders heaved into the shadows to lurk

An Analyst Viewpoint:

Most people have brains that are low in nutrients and high in toxic metals along with various chemicals which help to create an imbalanced brain. When you begin a Nutritional Balancing regime your brain starts to become nourished again and you start to release the toxicity. This will influence your thinking patterns. This dream describes plenty of family interactions that need sorted out and organizing, including a mother who feels like a failure. This type of symptom along with depression, anxiety, bipolar, self-esteem etc are all areas that may be improved upon as the Nutritional Balancing process brings up old traumas and issues from the past for purfication. Failure can be reframed in many different ways by relooking at the circumstances and highlighting the positive parts of what might have been considered a negative.